Effective date:
September 2, 2024

Terms of Use

General Terms

1. General Terms

About Musiversal

Musiversal provides you an innovative and disruptive form of music consulting services, giving you around-the-clock access to award-winning session musicians, vocalists, ensembles, producers, and audio engineers, under an array of different service-based solutions.

Our hand-picked roster of artists means you will be granted access to top-of-the-line know-how and advice in music production, empowering you to connect, collaborate and create in real time, and bring your tracks to life.

The Musiversal business model is based on the provision of music consulting services, giving you around-the-clock access to a roster of hand-picked session musicians, vocalists, ensembles, producers, and audio engineers that will help you to fill in the gaps in your tracks where you’re missing theoretical know-how, the skill set or personal network. We’re simply here to help facilitate you in producing your best music yet, giving you access to a wide range of music consulting services.

All provided services follow the music consulting model described above.

The Musiversal trademark is owned and operated by Musiverse, S.A., a Portuguese company with tax number 514936690, and registered office at Rua Principal, nº 21, Rojão Pequeno, Viseu, Santa Comba Dão, 3440 - 226 Pinheiro de Ázere, Portugal.

General agreement

The general terms are applicable to all services provided by Musiversal, unless noted otherwise.

All services provided by Musiversal and/ or booked at musiversal.com, app.musiversal.com, studio.musiversal.com or unlimited.musiversal.com fall under these terms of Use. Therefore, upon using Musiversal’s services, the client, hereafter also referred to as “you”, ”your”, “user” or “users”, is agreeing with Musiversal's terms of Use described below.

Musiversal has the right to change these terms, without prior notice. When making changes, Musiversal will update these terms on the website, and we will also specify the date of the last update. Every time said changes affect your rights, you will be notified via email.

By using Musiversal’s services, you confirm that you are at least 13 years of age. If you are not yet 18 years old, you must have the permission of an adult to use Musiversal’s services and his/her agreement to these terms of Use. This adult must be a parent or legal guardian who becomes responsible for your use of Musiversal’s services.

Musiversal “Service Providers” include session musicians, vocalists, ensembles, producers, engineers, editors, transcribers, arrangers, instructors, and other staff.

1.1 Live streaming

Most Musiversal sessions are held over audio and video live streaming. With certain “offline” services, we do not provide live streaming.

1.1.1 Live streaming specifications

Musiversal will always prioritize the recording of the music over the live streaming feeds (audio and/ or video), meaning that the live streaming feeds may be halted or interrupted if necessary.

1.1.2 Live streaming recording

Musiversal records most, but not all, of the live streamed sessions.

Recordings may include client’s and service provider’s video, voices and screen shares, written texts, as well as audio output from the service provider’s DAW.

1.1.3 Video broadcast and image sharing

Musiversal reserves the right to:

  1. Video broadcast your session on private and non-searchable URLs, to a limited and controlled number of viewers, previously approved by Musiversal;
  2. Video broadcast your session on public URLs;
  3. Share videos and still images of your sessions on public URLs.

Data subject rights shall be strictly observed, per the EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016) and Law no. 58/2019, which ensures the implementation of said Regulation in Portugal.

You may opt out of all or some of this, by giving us notice over email, without prejudice to the other clauses in this agreement.

1.2 Transfer of rights within the music consulting services

By using Musiversal to produce your music, you declare that you hold all the necessary rights and licenses to authorize the performance and recording of the music.

The Musiversal business model is based on the provision of music consulting services described above. In the context of the provision of our services, we may be transferring the ownership over sound recording rights. Sound recording rights are defined under the terms of the Portuguese Copyright and Related Rights Code, enacted by Decree-Law 63/85, of 14 March. These rights are originally owned by Musiverse, S.A., who partially transfers them to the client as a result of our music consulting services.

The following economic rights are transferred to you, on a worldwide basis:

  1. The right to reproduce the recording, directly or indirectly, temporarily or permanently, in whole or in part, by any means and in any form;
  2. The right to distribute copies of the recording to the public;
  3. The right to make the recording available to the public, by wire or wireless means, in such a way as to make it accessible to any person from the place and at the time chosen by him/her;
  4. The right to communicate the recording to a public, absent or present at the place where the communication originates;
  5. The right to copy, alter and/ or edit the recording.

The abovementioned transfer of the sound recording rights occurs once our music consulting service is concluded, and you receive the files and a signed copy of these terms or any other document held by Musiversal as relevant.

In the event that there has been an unnoticed breach of these terms, the user shall not be entitled to use the audio file, or collection of audio files, that resulted from the provision of Musiversal services, for any of the economic rights outlined in this clause.

1.3 Commercial audio usage

You have permission to use the recordings delivered by Musiversal for commercial purposes without paying additional fees or royalties under these terms and limited to clause 1.2 Transfer of rights within the music consulting services.

1.4 Rights clearance

1.4.1 Rights waiver

Musiversal and Musiversal’s musicians waive all rights in favor of the user for any audio files resulting from any Musiversal recording sessions. Musiversal declares that it is fully entitled to waive the rights as it was allowed by the musicians in a written and signed contract to do so without any limitations, universally and perpetually.

If you need a custom full buyout rights waiver, reach out to us at support@musiversal.com. In this email, state the name of the piece of work in question, and the names of the Musiversal musicians with whom you recorded said piece of work.

1.4.2 Syncing audio with images

The recordings delivered by Musiversal are cleared for syncing with images perpetually and worldwide without need to pay Musiversal any additional fees.

The only exception to the paragraph above are UK based Orchestral (ensembles) recording sessions, as exclusively described in section 3. Musiversal Orchestras. If you wish to use the music you recorded in UK based Orchestral (ensembles) recording sessions for image-syncing please get in touch with us at support@musiversal.com.

1.5 Credits

1.5.1 Attribution

We encourage you to credit Musiversal and the artists that have collaborated on producing your music, where it is possible to do so (I.e. on social media, YouTube, Bandcamp, your personal website, etc).

Crediting Musiversal does not impact your copyrights, as explained in clause 1.2 Transfer of rights within the music consulting services.

In the case of music department credits, such as in the film industry, Musiversal must be credited according to industry standards.

1.5.2 Structure

We encourage you to use the following structure:

  • Vocals - Marta Garrett (via Musiversal)
  • Cello - Ben Trigg (via Musiversal)
  • Drums - Chris Barber (via Musiversal)
  • Mastering - Luiz Tornaghi (via Musiversal)
  • Strings - Czech National Symphony Orchestra (via Musiversal)
  • I.e. Instrument/ Service - Artist Name (via Musiversal)

1.5.3 Special crediting procedures

Lynsey Tibbs may not be named in any publicly released song title, i.e. "Song name feat. Lynsey Tibbs". However, Lynsey can be credited as a Musiversal session musician as "Lynsey" only. When crediting, please credit "Vocals - Lynsey (via Musiversal)".

Ben Botfield may not be mentioned or credited in any released song or track. When crediting, please credit “Vocals via Musiversal”.

Clare Dove may not be mentioned or credited in any released song or track. When crediting, please credit "Vocals via Musiversal".

Harry Osborne may not be mentioned or credited in any released song or track. When crediting, please credit "Vocals via Musiversal".

Marta Garrett may not be named in any publicly released song title, i.e. "Song name feat. Marta Garrett". However, Marta should be credited as a Musiversal session musician as usual. When crediting, please credit "Vocals - Marta Garrett (via Musiversal)".

Ruth Royall may not be named in any publicly released song title, i.e. "Song Name feat. Ruth Royall", unless you have explicit permission from her record label. Ruth may be credited as a Musiversal session musician as usual. When crediting, please credit "Vocals - Ruth Royall (via Musiversal)".

Tee Webb may not be named in any publicly released song title, i.e. "Song name feat. Tee Webb", unless you have the explicit permission from his record label. Tee may be credited as a Musiversal session musician as usual. When crediting, please credit "Vocals - Tee Webb (via Musiversal)".

1.5.4 Crediting on social media

When you share your music on social media, we kindly request that you tag our social media handles. We really want to see, like, comment, share and support your work! Social handles:

  • Instagram: wearemusiversal
  • Facebook: wearemusiversal
  • YouTube: Musiversal (tag during video uploading, on “Video tags”) 
  • Twitter: wearemusiversal
  • LinkedIn: Musiversal
  • TikTok: wearemusiversal
  • Soundcloud: wearemusiversal
  • Reddit: u/musiversal

1.6 Use of reviews

Musiversal reserves the right of publishing clients' reviews and feedback of our services on our website and other communication media.

Whenever possible, Musiversal will notify you beforehand as well as communicate to you the terms and limits of such disclosure.

Data subject rights shall be strictly observed, per the EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016) and Law no. 58/2019, which ensures the implementation of said Regulation in Portugal.

1.7 Musiversal usage

Musiversal reserves the right to use musical recordings for promotional purposes, as well as for machine learning purposes and training of music creation algorithms to improve the quality of all our final products.

Musiversal will request your permission before using any material on a public promotional campaign.

1.8 Technical considerations

These are the minimum technical requirements that you must consider having in your station(s), in order to receive the video and audio live-streams as prepared by our technical team:

Internet connection speed - Download 8mb/s

Processor - Dual Core 2Ghz or Higher (i3/i5/i7 or AMD equivalent)

RAM - 4Gb

1.9 Recording non-original material

Recording non-original material, i.e. using Musiversal sessions to record “covers” or “versions” and “arrangements”, is possible. However, the intended and eventual use of the recorded material falls solely under the responsibility of the user. The materials that result from such recordings must comply with, and are not limited to, copyright laws, where they are applicable.

Musiversal will not be liable in the event of a copyright dispute raised by the copyrights' owner(s). The user warrants full compliance with the applicable copyright laws and regulations, fully unburdening either Musiversal and the service providers from any further eventual dispute in such regard.

Refer to clauses 4.4.5 and 5.2.7 for limitations regarding the recording of works from historically and acclaimed composers when using Musiversal Studio and Musiversal Unlimited services.

1.10 Payments

1.10.1 Payment method

Musiversal accepts credit cards and debit cards managed by our payments' provider, STRIPE, as well as PayPal payments.

Please refer to our payment service providers’ privacy policy as well as Musiversal privacy policy, per the URL https://www.musiversal.com/privacy-policy.

1.10.2 VAT

As a general rule, our services are subject to VAT at the rate of 23% currently in force in Portugal. Notwithstanding, depending on the nature of the acquirer of the service (I.e.: a taxable entity) or its country of residence, the assessment of Portuguese VAT may not be required. However, some taxes, including but not limited to VAT, may be levied per the applicable tax framework, depending on the service at stake. Further charges may apply, depending on the payment provider. Further, services not included on the relevant agreement shall be charged and invoiced separately. Tax implications on your country of residence should be assessed locally.

1.10.3 Promotional offers

It is not possible to accumulate more than one promotional discount or duplicate a single discount on the same single payment or recurring payment (I.e.: a Musiversal Studio subscription plan).

When using a promotional code, please note that:

  1. If the shown price already includes a discount (for example on Black Friday deals or Yearly Musiversal Studio plans), it is not possible to accumulate with another promotional discount;
  2. Promotional codes must be placed before placing the order and cannot be applied after the order;
  3. Some promotional codes may only apply to certain types of users (for example, first-time users);
  4. For recurring payments (namely subscriptions), the discount previously applied may not apply into the new billing cycle, or plan.

Offers for free services are valid for 6 months from the date they were made, either in writing or verbally, unless specified otherwise in writing.

1.10.4 Currency

All services shall be invoiced in USD (United States Dollars), at the currency rate in force on the date of the service provision.

Conversion fees may apply.

1.11 Refunds

At Musiversal we stand behind the quality of our service, but we acknowledge that mistakes can be made. If you are disappointed by the experience or the result you had with us, you may qualify for a full or partial refund. Further qualification is specified per service (see more in sections below), according to specific terms.

Refunds typically take between 5 and 10 business days to arrive in your bank account and are returned with the payment details used for the original purchase.

Musiversal may refuse a refund request if there is evidence of fraud, refund abuse, overdue payments, or any other manipulative behavior by the user or failure to comply with these terms, or resulting directly in the lacklustre quality of the session.

In the case of a refund, we withdraw your rights to use the recordings done by Musiversal, revoking clauses 1.2 Transfer of rights within the music consulting services, 1.3 Commercial audio usage, and 1.4 Rights clearance.

Refund requests should be submitted to support@musiversal.com.

1.12 User behavior and security

1.12.1 Communications

Verbal and textual communication on Musiversal should be positive and constructive.

Musiversal condemns bullying, harassment, and hate speech towards others. Rude, abusive, improper or violent language or messages will not be tolerated and may result in the suspension or removal of your account.

You undertake not to discriminate against anyone based on gender, race, age, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, and you acknowledge that such discrimination may result in the suspension or removal of your account.

You must not insult, threaten, blackmail or harass Musiversal’s service providers during live sessions or over any other means of communication. In the event that happens, the user will be permanently banned, as well as the physical person that owns the account.

Musiversal’s service providers are required to maintain professionalism and working politeness during sessions. In the extremely unlikely event that this doesn’t happen, we ask you to keep your cool and not reply or engage in any confrontation with the service provider, but rather report such an event to support@musiversal.com. We will take over the situation and handle it accordingly.

1.12.2 Attending Sessions While Driving

At Musiversal, the safety of our clients is of utmost importance. We strongly discourage and advise against attending any sessions or interacting with our platform while driving. Distractions can be dangerous and fatal, and it is essential to prioritize safety over any other activity.

Should our service providers observe or suspect that you are attending a session while driving, the transmission will be immediately limited to avoid typing or any other interactions that could cause distractions. This is in line with our commitment to safety and the welfare of our clients.

By choosing to use our services, you acknowledge and agree that:

  1. You will not attend sessions or interact with our platform while driving or engaging in any other activities where distraction could result in harm or injury.
  2. Musiversal is not liable or responsible for any consequences, accidents, damages, or injuries that may arise from the client's decision to attend sessions or use our platform under unsafe conditions, including while driving, to you or anyone around you.

Clients are solely responsible for ensuring their safety and the safety of others around them. Your understanding and adherence to this disclaimer are crucial in ensuring a safe environment for everyone.

1.13 Unfair use and misuse

Musiversal reserves the right to decline proceeding with your sessions without further reasoning, and the right to suspend or terminate your account and/or your subscription, at any time, as well as initiate legal proceedings, due to misuse of any type, such as, but not limited to:

  1. Sharing your account(s) login(s) details with third parties. This is not allowed and may result in your access (and third party) being halted or permanently banned. Your account is designed for your use only;
  2. Using multiple email addresses to create multiple accounts in order to utilize free sessions and/or other offers;
  3. Booking an unreasonably large number of sessions to perform the same work, or to make revisions to an unreasonable extent.
  4. Advertising Musiversal service providers as part of your own service, including, but not limited to, using Musiversal intellectual property such as images and video.

Prior to any suspension, the user shall be made aware of any practice of unfair use or misuse and further consequences.

1.14 Availability

1.14.1 Availability of service providers

You acknowledge that Musiversal’s service providers have a set availability and might be unavailable on certain schedules or dates.

In the rare and unfortunate event of an emergency, a service provider may have to cancel one or more sessions. In such an event, Musiversal will do their utmost to accommodate your session(s) in an alternative way. This may involve offering to record your session(s) offline on the same date, offering online or offline session(s) with the same service provider at a later date, or offering online or offline session(s) with a different service provider at a later date.

1.14.2 Availability of customer support

The customer support team may not be available at certain periods, namely during weekends.

1.15 Messaging

  1. Direct messaging to the service providers is only available on certain Musiversal products and services;
  2. The content of messages should adhere to the expected user behavior as outlined in these terms;
  3. Musiversal reserves the right to close the chats at any time;
  4. All conversations are stored by Musiversal.

1.16 Referral

  1. Referring Musiversal is exclusive to third parties. If an event of self-referral is attempted, your referral will be immediately invalid and may result in the suspension or removal of your account;
  2. Referral benefits will be awarded to all parties according to the campaign's specifications, as communicated by Musiversal.

1.17 Right of denial

The service providers keep the right to decline hosting a session or delivering a performance that is fundamentally against their values, and/or physical integrity.

1.18 Liabilities

Musiversal and the client are the only two parties responsible for the execution of this agreement.

Any involvement of third parties brought in by the client falls into the exclusive responsibility of the client. Musiversal will not be responsible in the event where a third party brought by the client takes executive decisions on behalf of the client.

1.19 Privacy Policy

Musiversal’s Privacy Policy is available at https://www.musiversal.com/privacy-policy

1.20 Governing Law 

These terms shall be governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the Portuguese Laws. Any action arising from these terms shall be resolved with resort to the Portuguese Courts, with express waiver of any other.

Standalone Services

2. Standalone Services

All standalone services follow the music consulting model described above, despite the specificities described below.

Applicable to services provided by Musiversal as standalone transactions, including, but not limited to, recording sessions, pre-production and post-production services, courses and webinars, delivered by Musiversal service providers.

2.1 Payment

Musiversal will provide you with a payment option, through which your payment will constitute the “booking”.

Upon booking a standalone service, you agree with these terms, and with the service specifications presented over email or call, which may not be subject to change after a booking has been placed.

2.2 Service specifications

Different, new or revised service specifications that are not included in the booked agreement may incur additional costs.

2.3 Rescheduling

Musiversal may be forced to reschedule services. In this event, you’ll be informed via email as soon as it is rescheduled, with further information about the rescheduling, namely to which date (and hour, if applicable) is the service rescheduled to.

2.4 Deliveries

Musiversal reserves the right to inform you of the estimated delivery date of the services, and may modify this if unanticipated circumstances delay delivery.

2.5 Custom Sessions

2.5.1 Submission of material

Pre-session material may include, though not limited to: music sheet(s), audio file(s), midi file(s) and textual instructions.

You must submit your pre-session material at least 48 hours before the agreed session date and time. Failing to do so may result in the cancellation of your session without the possibility of a refund.

2.5.2 Revisions

Revisions to the output of a Custom Session are subject to the session specifications, as agreed upon booking.

If you wish the output of a Custom Session to be reviewed further than the original agreement, that will incur an additional cost, to be disclosed by Musiversal upon request.

2.5.3 Cancellations and refund policy

You can cancel a Custom Session with a full refund up to 5 days before the online session time or the offline first delivery deadline.

If you cancel with less than 5 days notice, or if you book with less than 5 days advance of the required delivery deadline, you are not eligible for a refund.

Failing to submit your materials 48 hours before the agreed session date and time may result in the cancellation of your session without the possibility of a refund.

Refunds are not granted after Musiversal completes the delivery of the service.

Musiversal Orchestras

3. Musiversal Orchestras

Musiversal Orchestras follows the music consulting model described above, despite the specificities described below.

Applicable to services provided by the Musiversal Orchestral product, including, but not limited to, recording sessions with orchestral ensembles, pre-production and post-production services, delivered by Musiversal service providers.

3.1 Orchestra bookings

Musiversal will provide you with a payment option, through which your payment will constitute the “booking”.

Upon booking, you agree with these terms, and with the service specifications presented on the website, over email or call, which may not be subject to change after a booking has been placed. Different, new or revised service specifications that are not included in the booked agreement may incur in additional costs.

3.1.1 Booking date and time

Session dates and times may be changed without prior notice. In such an event, all music is to be recorded at the next available session, and you will be notified at the earliest convenience.

3.1.2 ​Planned sessions

If a session does not reach a minimum of 50% booking capacity, Musiversal reserves the right to postpone it until demand is sufficient to book a new session.

3.1.3 Validity

All bookings have 6 months validity, starting from the date of purchase. If you are not able to schedule your session or service within 6 months after purchase, your booking will be changed from a product-specific booking into a non-refundable money voucher with value of the original booking that is eligible to use for any available Musiversal product, not stackable with any promotional discounts available.

Bookings may have a longer validity, when explicitly announced in their respective marketing campaigns.

If you don't apply your voucher to a service within 24 months from the purchase date, you'll lose access to both the unused money funds and any services that could have been utilized with the voucher.

3.1.4 Booking postponing

After making a booking, you can request Musiversal to postpone your session to a later time at no additional cost if the recording session date hasn't been announced by Musiversal via email, or if your postponing request arrives via email up to 30 days in advance of the session date. The same applies if Musiversal, for any relevant reason, inter alia, specified above under clause 3.1.2 ​Planned sessions, postpones the relevant session.

If you wish to postpone your session to a later date by notifying Musiversal with less than 30 days in advance of the session date, a rescheduling cost equivalent to 50% of the amount of the session cost applies. This is not applicable to sessions of the Musiversal string quartet.

3.1.5 Recording ratios and times

We will communicate with you on the most appropriate recording time to match the length and complexity of your music.

Based on historical averages, we’ve established the guideline below to express the typical relationship between the length of your piece of music and recording time required:

CNSO 30-piece orchestra

To record up to 1 minute of music, book a 12-minute session.

To record up to 2 minutes of music, book a 24-minute session.

To record up to 3 minutes of music, book a 35-minute session.

To record up to 4 minutes of music, book a 45-minute session.

To record up to 5 minutes of music, book a 53-minute session.

To record up to 6 minutes of music, book a 1-hour session.

CNSO 22 strings

To record up to 1 minute of music, book a 8-minute session.

To record up to 2 minutes of music, book a 16-minute session.

To record up to 3 minutes of music, book a 24-minute session.

To record up to 4 minutes of music, book a 32-minute session.

To record up to 5 minutes of music, book a 39-minute session.

To record up to 6 minutes of music, book a 46-minute session.

To record up to 7 minutes of music, book a 53-minute session.

To record up to 8 minutes of music, book a 1-hour session.

Brookspeare Music

To record up to 5 minutes of music, book a 1-hour session.

BSO 55-piece orchestra

To record up to 1 minutes of music, book a 12-minute session.

To record up to 2 minutes of music, book a 24-minute session.

To record up to 3 minutes of music, book a 35-minute session.

To record up to 4 minutes of music, book a 45-minute session.

To record up to 5 minutes of music, book a 53-minute session.

To record up to 6 minutes of music, book a 1-hour session.

These time settings are not linear. They are subject to change depending on the difficulty of each piece. If we find that your piece requires more recording time due to hard passages, or if you have not booked enough session time, we will hold your recording until enough recording time is booked.

Email us at hello@musiversal.com, and we will advise you on the most adequate recording time.

3.2 Scores specifications

3.2.1 Scores submissions

For orchestras - scores must be submitted with up to 7 calendar days before recording session date. When failing to submit scores in time, Musiversal may consider your submission with 1 day of delay. 

For string quartet - scores must be submitted with up to 72 hours before recording session date.

Failing to submit your scores within this time range may result in your booking being lost without the possibility of a refund.

3.2.2 Scores review

For orchestras only (not considering string quartet), Musiversal requests you to submit the scores and other necessary materials at least 7 calendar days before the recording date in order to give our Orchestra Producer time to proofread all the materials that we will record. If any issues come up during the review process, we will have time to contact you to make any necessary changes.

Note that if your orchestration is not well written, it may affect the recording outcome, and Musiversal shall not be responsible for it.

3.3 Recording sessions specifications

3.3.1 Physical attendance

Each recording session shorter than 1 hour can only be attended remotely.

For orchestral recording session bookings longer than 1 hour, Musiversal accepts and welcomes your physical attendance in the recording session. Our partners will welcome you into the recording studio, where you can speak to the producer, engineer, conductor and the musicians, keeping in mind the focus of the session, which is to deliver a high-quality recording. 

This is not applicable to string quartet sessions.

3.3.2 Overdubbing

You can record overdubs in all of our recording sessions. The cost of recording overdubs is calculated according to the whole session fee for that day, and not your individual session fee.

3.3.3 Session time

It is not always the case that the allocated session length perfectly matches the time required to record your song. Therefore, the following is to be considered:

  1. If a completely satisfactory result is achieved before the total time has elapsed, Musiversal reserves the right to conclude the client’s session;
  2. If the time booked by the client, as per Musiversal’s recommendation, is elapsed during the recording session before the music has been fully recorded with a completely satisfactory result, Musiversal guarantees that it will either extend the client’s recording session for the necessary time required to achieve a completely satisfactory result, or, if that is impossible on the day due to logistics, Musiversal will record the missing music on the soonest available date. If the client is digitally present at the live streaming, Musiversal’s producer will ask the client which option is preferred, if both are possible. If the client is not digitally present in the live streaming, Musiversal will decide on which option to execute;
  3. On shared sessions, and depending on availability and logistics of the session, extending the recording time beyond the time that was initially booked may be possible, and will cost $50 per minute, which will be billed to the client before the delivery of the recording session files;
  4. If the client booked a recording session length according to Musiversal’s recommendation, and it was deemed unnecessarily long during the recording session, then the client can choose to request a refund of a monetary amount corresponding to the session time that was not used, which is counted of by the Executive Producer, or to use the remaining time in a future session within 6 months. It’s understood that “unnecessary long” time is all the time that exceeds 8 minutes after all the music that was intended to be recorded within the session has been completed, and a satisfactory result has been achieved - which is agreed by both the client and Musiversal.

3.4 Files handling

After the recording session, we send the Pro Tools session and take sheet to your email. Stems delivery is available at cost.

In normal circumstances, this will be completed within 24 hours for orchestras, and 48 hours for string quartet.

Unexpected technical errors and human errors may prevent this from happening. Musiversal is committed to solving any files-handling technical errors.

Musiversal holds recorded files for up to 1 month, after which Musiversal does not guarantee accessibility to them anymore.

3.4.1 Service completion

Musiversal considers the service completed 30 days after delivering your session files to you.

You may request technical examination of the files up to 30 days after the files have been delivered to you. After technical examination, if we realize that there is an actual issue with your files, we will re-record said passage without additional costs. If, after technical examination, no issues have been detected, Musiversal will consider the service completed.

3.5 Cancellations and refund policy

You may be eligible for a refund according to the conditions described below.

On purchases for orchestras (excluding the string quartet) done under TBD date agreements (E.g.: March TBD), we offer a full refund for requests up to 14 calendar days after purchase.

Musiversal will also offer you a full refund if you request it up to 30 calendar days before the session date.

If your orchestration writing is considered idiomatic by our team, we guarantee a partial or full refund whenever the outcome of an orchestral recording session does not meet the quality standards as defined by the event of at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Failure to record one or more orchestral parts. The acceptable amount of parts is limited to one per instrument group. E.g.: Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, etc;
  2. The musicians couldn't fix a problem which didn’t come from the sheet music/ scoring;
  3. There are distortions on a wav file of a tracked instrument;
  4. Our technical and executive teams consider that the recording was not a successful one.

Musiversal may refuse to complete your recording session booking if, after all technical considerations are made, we conclude that our quality standards won’t possibly be met for your recording. In such an event, your booking(s) and some or all of its associated extra service(s) will be fully refunded.

3.6 Extra services

Applicable to services provided by Musiversal Orchestras as standalone transactions, including, but not limited to add-on services, pre-production, production and post-production services, videos and webinars, delivered by Musiversal service providers.

3.6.1 Payment

Musiversal will provide you with a payment option, through which your payment will constitute the “booking”.

Upon booking an extra service, you agree with these terms, and with the service specifications presented over email or call, which may not be subject to change after a booking has been placed.

3.6.2 Service specifications

Different, new or revised service specifications that are not included in the booked agreement may incur in additional costs.

3.6.3 Rescheduling

Musiversal may be forced to reschedule services. In this event, you’ll be informed via email as soon as it is rescheduled, with further information about the rescheduling, namely to which date (and hour, if applicable) is the service rescheduled to.

3.6.4 Deliveries

Musiversal reserves the right to inform you of the estimated delivery date of the services, and may modify this if unanticipated circumstances delay delivery.

3.6.5 Pre-production Arrangements

  1. Prerequisite materials: The following materials are mandatory to start the arrangement: midi file and audio file from the midi file of the song/musical piece, and an audio reference;
  2. Deliverables: Musiversal firstly delivers a midi mock-up for approval. Upon approval, the deliverables are the final scores and midi exported as audio stems, per instrument. The delivery expected time is subject to the availability of the service provider, and it is calculated on a case by case basis. Unless requested otherwise by the user, Musiversal informs of such delivery expected time after the purchase occurs;
  3. Revisions: There are two revisions included in the Arrangement service. Extra revisions are available at cost;
  4. Refund policy: Refunds are not available on the Arrangement service;
  5. Validity: 6 months validity starting from the date of purchase. If you are not able to submit your prerequisite materials within 6 months, your booking or part of it will be changed from a product-specific booking into a non-refundable money voucher with value of the original booking that is eligible to use for any available Musiversal product, not stackable with any promotional discounts available. If you don't apply your voucher to a service within 24 months from the purchase date, you'll lose access to both the unused money funds and any services that could have been utilized with the voucher. Transcriptions

  1. Prerequisite materials: One of the following materials are mandatory to start the transcription: midi file or separate audio file for each instrument;
  2. Deliverables: Musiversal delivers final scores and an audio rough playback file from the notation software, for pitch reference. The delivery expected time is subject to the availability of the service provider, and it is calculated on a case by case basis. Unless requested otherwise by the user, Musiversal informs of such delivery expected time after the purchase occurs;
  3. Revisions: One revision is included in the Transcription service. Extra revisions are available at cost;
  4. Refund policy: Refunds are not available on the Transcription service;
  5. Validity: 6 months validity starting from the date of purchase. If you are not able to submit your prerequisite materials within 6 months, your booking or part of it will be changed from a product-specific booking into a non-refundable money voucher with value of the original booking that is eligible to use for any available Musiversal product, not stackable with any promotional discounts available. If you don't apply your voucher to a service within 24 months from the purchase date, you'll lose access to both the unused money funds and any services that could have been utilized with the voucher.

3.6.6 Post-production Mixing

  1. Scope: For projects with more than 50 channels and/or 5 minutes, a Mixing custom quote is required. Mixing may include an online session, depending on the availability of the service provider;
  2. Deliverables:
    Mixing deliverables are done in two phases: One WAV file for your approval of the service, and after each revision request; Upon approval of a final version: (all stereo uncompressed bounces) Orchestra Stereo Mix, Orchestra Section Stems, A Cappella (if applicable), Instrumental (Instruments only, if applicable), and BG (Instruments + Backing Vocals, if applicable);
    The work will be deemed as completed within 1 week after each delivery;
    Extra deliverables are available at cost;
  3. Revisions: One revision included, according to the notes sent by the client via email. This may be an online or offline service, depending on the availability of the service provider. Extra revisions are available at cost;
  4. Cancellations and refund policy: After purchasing a Mixing service, you can cancel with a full refund up to 5 days before the starting day of the work or the offline first delivery deadline. If you cancel with less than 5-day notice, or if you book with less than 5 days advance of the required delivery date, you are not eligible for a refund. Failing to submit your materials 48 hours before the session date and time may result in the cancellation of your delivery without the possibility of a refund. Refunds are not granted after Musiversal completes the delivery of the service;
  5. Validity: 6 months validity starting from the date of purchase. If you are not able to schedule your sessions within 6 months, your booking or part of it will be changed from a product-specific booking into a non-refundable money voucher with value of the original booking that is eligible to use for any available Musiversal product, not stackable with any promotional discounts available. If you don't apply your voucher to a service within 24 months from the purchase date, you'll lose access to both the unused money funds and any services that could have been utilized with the voucher. Mastering

  1. Scope: Mastering may include an online session, depending on the availability of the service provider;
  2. Deliverables:
    Mastering deliverables: Orchestra Stereo Master, in the following formats: WAV - 44.1khz/16 bit, WAV - 44.1khz/24 bit, WAV - 48khz/16 bit, WAV - 48khz/24 bit, and Mp3 - 320kbps;
    The work will be deemed as completed within 1 week after each delivery;
    Extra deliverables are available at cost;
  3. Revisions: No revisions included. Revisions are available at cost;
  4. Cancellations and refund policy: After purchasing a Mastering service, you can cancel with a full refund up to 5 days before the starting day of the work or the offline first delivery deadline. If you cancel with less than 5-day notice, or if you book with less than 5 days advance of the required delivery date, you are not eligible for a refund. Failing to submit your materials 48 hours before the session date and time may result in the cancellation of your delivery without the possibility of a refund. Refunds are not granted after Musiversal completes the delivery of the service;
  5. Validity: 6 months validity starting from the date of purchase. If you are not able to schedule your sessions within 6 months, your booking or part of it will be changed from a product-specific booking into a non-refundable money voucher with value of the original booking that is eligible to use for any available Musiversal product, not stackable with any promotional discounts available. If you don't apply your voucher to a service within 24 months from the purchase date, you'll lose access to both the unused money funds and any services that could have been utilized with the voucher. Post-production Bundle

  1. Scope: Editing (see b.), mixing and mastering sessions. For projects with more than 50 channels and/or 5 minutes, a Mixing custom quote is required. Mixing and/or Mastering may include an online session(s), depending on the availability of the service providers;
  2. Editing: Editing is included in the bundle when recordings have been produced by Musiversal Orchestras;
  3. Deliverables:
    Mixing deliverables are done in two phases: One WAV file for your approval of the service, and after each revision request; Upon approval of a final version: (all stereo uncompressed bounces) Orchestra Mix, Orchestra Section Stems, A Cappella (if applicable), Instrumental (Instruments only, if applicable), and BG (Instruments + Backing Vocals, if applicable);
    Mastering deliverables: Orchestra Stereo Master, in the following formats: WAV - 44.1khz/16 bit, WAV - 44.1khz/24 bit, WAV - 48khz/16 bit, WAV - 48khz/24 bit, and Mp3 - 320kbps;
    The work will be deemed as completed within 1 week after each delivery;
    Extra deliverables are available at cost;
  4. Revisions: One revision included, only for editing and/or mixing needs, according to the notes sent by the client via email. This may be an online or offline service, depending on the availability of the service provider. Extra revisions are available at cost;
  5. Cancellations and refund policy: After purchasing a Post Production Bundle, you can cancel with a full refund up to 5 days before the starting day of the work or the offline first delivery deadline. If you cancel with less than 5-day notice, or if you book with less than 5 days advance of the required delivery date, you are not eligible for a refund. Failing to submit your materials 48 hours before the sessions’ date and time may result in the cancellation of your delivery without the possibility of a refund. Refunds are not granted after Musiversal completes the delivery of the service;
  6. Validity: 6 months validity starting from the date of purchase. If you are not able to schedule your sessions within 6 months, your booking or part of it will be changed from a product-specific booking into a non-refundable money voucher with value of the original booking that is eligible to use for any available Musiversal product, not stackable with any promotional discounts available. If you don't apply your voucher to a service within 24 months from the purchase date, you'll lose access to both the unused money funds and any services that could have been utilized with the voucher.

Musiversal Studio

4. Musiversal Studio

Musiversal Studio follows the music consulting model described above, despite the specificities described below.

Applicable to services provided by the Musiversal Studio product, including, but not limited to, recording sessions, pre-production and post-production services, delivered by Musiversal service providers.

4.1 Transactional modalities

4.1.1 Musiversal Studio subscription

The Musiversal Studio subscription is a service that allows users to make payments in exchange for the provision of music consulting services that materialize in music production services using remote communication including live video and audio technologies, including, but not limited to, providing the user with an audio file or collection of audio files as the result of each session that is booked and executed.

Upon subscribing to a Musiversal Studio subscription, you agree to enroll in an automatically renewable and recurring payment plan, which amount depends on the pricing tier (plan) you chose to subscribe, and its renewal cycle type (monthly, yearly or other).

Every payment will be translated into credits, as defined in clause 4.2 Credits.

In the case of a PayPal based monthly plans, the recurring payment will take place every 30 calendar days.

If a plan has been initiated based on an installment payment method other than monthly or yearly, the availability of the credits in the user account may be subject to each payment confirmation.

4.1.2 On-demand

The on-demand “Pay as you go” modality gives you access to the Studio by purchasing standalone or packs of credits, as defined in clause 4.2 Credits.

4.2 Credits

The use of credits is of your sole and exclusive responsibility. Musiversal shall not be responsible for how you use your credits allowance, or any other circumstances falling outside the specifications presented in these terms.

4.2.1 Definition

  1. A “credit” is the unit of value inside the Musiversal Studio;
  2. Each Musiversal Studio service corresponds to a single “credit” unit or multiple “credits” units;
  3. Any credits pertaining to a trial period, referral campaigns, promotional coupons or rolled over, are added to your credits count;
  4. Credits can be used to book up to 30 slots at any given time;
  5. In the event of no active subscription, all credits are permanently lost.

4.2.2 Credit rollover feature

  1. This feature is available for subscribers of most plans. The plans which do not include the rollover feature are Studio 2 (or equivalent) and legacy yearly plans (bought before July 1, 2022);
  2. Credits rollover into your credits count if unused by the end of the billing cycle, according to the clause immediately above;
  3. Unused credits (not used for booking sessions) on plans without the rollover feature, will not roll over by the moment of a new payment, and will be lost;
  4. Rollover ability: the rollover of credits will occur when a new billing cycle starts, and the count of 6X the plan allowance has not yet been rolled over;
  5. The credits rollover feature is available from January 5, 2022 onwards. Payments of Musiversal Studio plans performed before this date are not eligible for the credits' rollover feature;
  6. Musiversal has the right to remove access to this feature at any time.

4.2.3 Top-ups

  1. Top-ups are standalone purchase of unit(s) of credit(s);
  2. Credits purchased as top-ups are stored in your account and follow the same rules as defined in clause 4.2.1 Definition and 4.2.2 Credit rollover feature.

4.2.4 Acquisition of services

Credits may be used to acquire other services such as, but not limited to, Musiversal Orchestras. In such event, Musiversal will deduct from your account the number of credits correspondent to the service acquired.

Orchestra shared sessions may be booked with credits on certain subscriptions. The number of credits necessary to book such sessions is fixed at the start of the subscription, and may be updated once all the account’s credits have been used.

4.3 Free Trial

Your Musiversal Studio subscription may include a standard or a custom Free Trial period.

4.3.1 Standard Free Trial

The standard Free Trial is 14 days in duration and includes 1 free credit, to be used for booking a session.

Upfront payment is not required to enter the Free Trial. However, payment details are required upfront. At the end of the 14 days, Musiversal will automatically charge your payment card and enroll you into your chosen plan, constituting your first billing date. Upon payment, you will get immediate access to your plan’s session allowance. The charge will be equivalent to the amount shown during the sign-up process, corresponding to the cost of your chosen plan and considering any discounts applied due to coupon codes.

The Free Trial period includes 1 free credit. This credit is an offer from Musiversal to you, and it’s separate from your plan allowance. I.e.: if you book this session within your trial period, you will still get access to all sessions of your chosen plan allowance upon your first billing date.

This free credit has a booking validity of 14 days (i.e.: it is available for you to book a session within the 14 days of the Free Trial period). After which period, if not booked, will be lost, and not possible to redeem.

You may prefer not to wait a full 14 days until you have access to your full plan allowance. In this case, you can enroll early by going into your billing area and start your plan. If you decide to enroll into a plan before your Free Trial period ends, you will get immediate access to that plan’s session allowance, and you will be charged at that moment (rather than being charged at the end of the Free Trial period). If you are enrolled using a PayPal payment method, the system will require a few hours to process your payment and provide you with your plan’s session allowance.

If during the Free Trial you didn’t use your free credit, and you enroll early/ before your expected Free Trial end date, then that free credit will roll over, so that your allowance will be your plan allowance + 1 session.

4.3.2 Custom Free Trial

A custom Free Trial period may be granted to you by Musiversal, different from the standard Free Trial. Its specifications are as presented by Musiversal, via email.

4.3.3 Free Trial cancellation

To cancel your Free Trial, you must contact support before your trial ends, via email at support@musiversal.com, to properly guarantee the cancellation of your trial.

In the unlikely event that your cancellation has not been processed by the end of the Free Trial period, and your card is charged, you will be entitled to a refund. For more details, read our Refund Policy in clause 3.12.

4.4 Management of your sessions

4.4.1 Information about your track and upload of materials

Depending on its nature, each session will have specific requirements presented to you during the booking process. Namely, how much time in advance you should upload your materials, as well as other technical and/or musical information.

Failing to adhere to the session requirements may result in session time being spent with downloads, building DAW projects, printing scores, and other tasks that not recording or producing your music.

In case of a non-attended session (client not showing up), the musician will carry out the recording in the client’s absence. If the musician is unable to conduct the session during your absence, due to insufficient materials or instructions, then you will not be entitled to receive files and will not be re-credited for the session.

4.4.2 Files handling

Depending on which option you select in the booking process, you’ll receive either the DAW session, or stems of every recorded take (in WAV or AIFF format, whichever you prefer).

In normal circumstances, you'll receive all of your files no later than 24 hours after your session.

Unexpected technical errors and human errors may prevent this from happening. Musiversal is committed to solving any files-handling technical errors.

Musiversal holds recorded files for up to 1 month, after which Musiversal does not guarantee accessibility to them anymore. If your subscription stops (meaning that it gets cancelled), you will lose access to your files in the platform.

Musiversal does not guarantee access to recorded files older than 1 month, and of cancelled subscriptions.

4.4.3 Re-scheduling of remote session

In the event that Musiversal reschedules your Studio session, you’ll be informed via email as soon as it is rescheduled, with further information about the rescheduling, namely to which date and hour (if applicable) is the session rescheduled to.

If you need to reschedule an orchestra shared session, and in case your request arrives with less than 8 calendar days, the rescheduling cost will be 50% of the credits used for the booking. In cases where 50% of the credits result in a decimal number, the cost is rounded up to the next natural number.

4.4.4 Cancellation of remote session

The following does not apply to orchestra shared sessions when booked with credits.

All bookings come with a 1-hour grace period. If you cancel a session less than 1 hour after booking, you will be re-credited.

When you cancel an upcoming session up to 48 hours before its starting time, it will be re-credited to your account automatically.

When you cancel an upcoming session with less than 48 hours to its starting time, it will not be re-credited to your account.

If your session is cancelled by Musiversal, your credit(s) may be re-credited to your account. Musiversal reserves the right of cancelling a session without previous notice, if one of the following events occur:

  1. Your submitted materials lie outside the scope of what recording sessions are stated to be within the definitions of our terms of use, namely regarding unfair/ misusage and prohibited practices, as outlined in clauses 1.13 and 4.4.5;
  2. Your pre-session materials are unworkable and therefore require significant improvement, for example by a producer;
  3. Other logistical reasons.

4.4.5 Prohibited practices

Please refer to this article to learn how Musiversal sessions work, and this article for what can be achieved in a single session.

These are practices which are not allowed in the Musiversal Studio sessions.

  1. Record lyrics containing any segregation, discrimination, exclusion or oppressive content, such as but not limited to stereotyping, racist, sexist, xenophobic or hostile words;
  2. Record classical or contemporary music from historically or highly acclaimed composers;
  3. Record sounds (notes, effects or passages) for which the purpose is to produce loops, virtual instruments and/ or sample libraries. Please note that while the aforementioned is strictly forbidden, recording full songs for production music libraries is allowed;
  4. Having Musiversal’s service providers co-composing, co-authoring or co-writing material that is subject to copyright, namely lyrics and main melodic themes. This does not include an improvised melody over a harmonic progression, such as a saxophone solo, for example;
  5. Record multiple instruments or multiple parts (or overdubs) in a single session. Common sense and flexibility are to be considered on a case-by-case scenario and some of these may be achieved, though it is not the default of how sessions work;
  6. Record more than 1 song/ piece in a single session. Except for cues, which the sum of all of them should not be bigger than 3 minutes in total;
  7. Request the musician to create arrangements (such as string quartet or Horns Trio) during the session. For such service, the user should use our arrangement service. More information here;
  8. Record highly complex pieces that would be hard to sight-read and require the musician to study for hours.

4.4.6 Orchestral ensembles

For shared orchestra recording sessions with ensembles such as Musiversal orchestras, string quartet and others, the section 3. Musiversal Orchestras of these terms also apply.

4.5 Interruption of subscription

Musiversal reserves the right to cancel or refuse the renewal of your subscription at any time, upon notice.

4.5.1 Cancellation of subscription

You can cancel your subscription and its upcoming billing at any time.

To do so, you must follow the cancellation instructions in your billing area, here.

When you opt to cancel your subscription:

  1. You will not be charged on your next billing date;
  2. Your subscription will still be valid until the end of your billing period;
  3. Considering the time until the end of your billing period, your upcoming sessions will still be valid, and you can still book new sessions.

When your subscription gets cancelled (at the end of the billing period):

  1. You will lose all your credits;
  2. You will no longer be able to use your credits to book sessions;
  3. Any future-booked sessions will be cancelled;
  4. You will lose access to your files;
  5. You will lose permanent access to your current subscription plan and any legacy pricing benefits;
  6. If you wish to resubscribe in the future, it will be at public rates set at that time, not according to current or past rates.

4.5.2 Termination and suspension

Musiversal may terminate your subscription or access to your account or all or any of our services immediately if you fail to pay the amount of your subscription on time.

4.6 Payment failure(s)

If your payment details expire, you will be notified by email.

If your billing date is reached, but your payment method fails, you will also be notified by email. Upon a failed billing payment, you will have 7 days to update your billing information. After 7 days, if your payment details have not been updated and a successful payment made, your subscription will be cancelled.

4.7 Refund policy

4.7.1 General conditions

Musiversal does not provide refunds for periods within which users are inactive. For example, if you did not book or complete a session in the past 2 months, this does not entitle you to a refund.

A refund on your most recent payment may result in the cancellation of your subscription. See clause 4.5.1 Cancellation of subscription, for complete information about what happens when your subscription gets cancelled.

4.7.2 Refund of monthly plans

You are eligible for a full refund so long as you request the refund within 48 hours after your billing date and no sessions have been completed in the period between the billing date and the refund request.

4.7.3 Refund of yearly plans

You are eligible for a full refund so long as you request the refund within 30 days after your billing date and no sessions have been completed in the period between the billing date and the refund request.

4.7.4 Refund on the on-demand modality

You are eligible for a full refund so long as you request the refund within 48 hours after your billing date and no sessions have been completed in the period between the billing date and the refund request.

4.8 Extra services

Applicable to services available at cost (unique purchases), not included in Musiversal Studio subscriptions or On-demand modalities.

Including, but not limited to add-on services, pre-production, production and post-production services, videos and webinars, delivered by Musiversal service providers.

4.8.1 Payment

Musiversal will provide you with a payment option, through which your payment will constitute the “booking”.

Upon booking an extra service, you agree with these terms, and with the service specifications presented over email or call, which may not be subject to change after a booking has been placed.

4.8.2 Service specifications

Different, new or revised service specifications that are not included in the booked agreement may incur in additional costs.

4.8.3 Rescheduling

Musiversal may be forced to reschedule services. In this event, you’ll be informed via email as soon as it is rescheduled, with further information about the rescheduling, namely to which date and hour (if applicable) is the service rescheduled to.

4.8.4 Deliveries

Musiversal reserves the right to inform you of the estimated delivery date of the services, and may modify this if unanticipated circumstances delay delivery.

4.8.5 Pre-production Arrangements

  1. Prerequisite materials: The following materials are mandatory to start the arrangement: midi file and audio file from the midi file of the song/musical piece, and an audio reference;
  2. Deliverables: Musiversal firstly delivers a midi mock-up for approval. Upon approval, the deliverables are the final scores and midi exported as audio stems, per instrument. The delivery expected time is subject to the availability of the service providers, and it is calculated on a case by case basis. Unless requested otherwise by the user, Musiversal informs of such delivery expected time after the purchase occurs;
  3. Revisions: There are two revisions included in the Arrangement service. Extra revisions are available at cost;
  4. Refund policy: Refunds are not available on the Arrangement service;
  5. Validity: 6 months validity starting from the date of purchase. If you are not able to submit your prerequisite materials within 6 months, your booking or part of it will be changed from a product-specific booking into a non-refundable money voucher with value of the original booking that is eligible to use for any available Musiversal product, not stackable with any promotional discounts available. If you don't apply your voucher to a service within 24 months from the purchase date, you'll lose access to both the unused money funds and any services that could have been utilized with the voucher. Transcriptions

  1. Prerequisite materials: One of the following materials are mandatory to start the transcription: midi file or separate audio file for each instrument;
  2. Deliverables: Musiversal delivers final scores and an audio rough playback file from the notation software, for pitch reference. The delivery expected time is subject to the availability of the service providers, and it is calculated on a case by case basis. Unless requested otherwise by the user, Musiversal informs of such delivery expected time after the purchase occurs;
  3. Revisions: One revision is included in the Transcription service. Extra revisions are available at cost;
  4. Refund policy: Refunds are not available on the Transcription service;
  5. Validity: 6 months validity starting from the date of purchase. If you are not able to submit your prerequisite materials within 6 months, your booking or part of it will be changed from a product-specific booking into a non-refundable money voucher with value of the original booking that is eligible to use for any available Musiversal product, not stackable with any promotional discounts available. If you don't apply your voucher to a service within 24 months from the purchase date, you'll lose access to both the unused money funds and any services that could have been utilized with the voucher.

4.8.6 Post-production

Musiversal may opt to convert your payment to the correspondent number of credits (see clause 4.2 Credits) inside the Musiversal Studio product, in order to facilitate your sessions’ bookings, materials uploading, downloading of the deliverables and communication with the service providers. Mixing and Mixing revision (paid with money)

  1. Scope: For projects with more than 50 channels and/or 5 minutes, a Mixing custom quote is required.
  2. Deliverables:
    A stereo uncompressed bounce of the mix, an a cappella version (vocals only), an instrumental version (instruments only), and (optional) separate STEMS per groups of instruments. Extra deliverables are available at cost;
  3. Revisions: Mixing and Mixing revision services do not include revisions. Revisions are available at cost;
  4. Cancellations and refund policy: After purchasing a Mixing or Mixing revision, you can cancel with a full refund up to 5 days before the online session time or the offline first delivery deadline. If you cancel with less than 5-day notice, or if you book with less than 5 days advance of the required delivery date, you are not eligible for a refund. Failing to submit your materials 48 hours before the session date and time may result in the cancellation of your session without the possibility of a refund. Refunds are not granted after Musiversal completes the delivery of the service;
  5. Validity: 6 months validity starting from the date of purchase. If you are not able to schedule your sessions within 6 months, your booking or part of it will be changed from a product-specific booking into a non-refundable money voucher with value of the original booking that is eligible to use for any available Musiversal product, not stackable with any promotional discounts available. If you don't apply your voucher to a service within 24 months from the purchase date, you'll lose access to both the unused money funds and any services that could have been utilized with the voucher. Post-production Bundle

  1. Scope: Editing (see b.), mixing and mastering. For projects with more than 50 channels and/or 5 minutes, a Mixing custom quote is required;
  2. Editing: Editing is included in the bundle when recordings have been produced by Musiversal Orchestras;
  3. Deliverables:
    Mixing deliverables: A stereo uncompressed bounce of the mix, an a cappella version (vocals only), an instrumental version (instruments only), and (optional) separate STEMS per groups of instruments.
    Mastering deliverables: Orchestra Stereo Master, in the following formats: WAV - 44.1khz/16 bit, WAV - 44.1khz/24 bit, WAV - 48khz/16 bit, WAV - 48khz/24 bit, and Mp3 - 320kbps;
    Extra deliverables are available at cost;
  4. Revisions: One mixing revision included. Extra revisions are available at cost;
  5. Cancellations and refund policy: After purchasing a Post Production Bundle, you can cancel with a full refund up to 5 days before the online mixing session time or the offline first delivery deadline. If you cancel with less than 5-day notice, or if you book with less than 5 days advance of the required delivery date, you are not eligible for a refund. Failing to submit your materials 48 hours before the sessions dates and times may result in the cancellation of your sessions without the possibility of a refund. Refunds are not granted after Musiversal completes the delivery of the service;
  6. Validity: 6 months validity starting from the date of purchase. If you are not able to schedule your sessions within 6 months, your booking or part of it will be changed from a product-specific booking into a non-refundable money voucher with value of the original booking that is eligible to use for any available Musiversal product, not stackable with any promotional discounts available. If you don't apply your voucher to a service within 24 months from the purchase date, you'll lose access to both the unused money funds and any services that could have been utilized with the voucher.

Musiversal Unlimited

5. Musiversal Unlimited

Musiversal Unlimited follows the music consulting model described above, despite the specificities described below.

Applicable to services provided by the Musiversal Unlimited product, including, but not limited to, recording sessions, pre-production and post-production services, delivered by Musiversal service providers.

5.1 Musiversal Unlimited subscription

Musiversal Unlimited subscription is a service that allows users to make payments in exchange for the provision of music consulting services that materialize in music production services using remote communication including live video and audio technologies, including, but not limited to, providing the user with an audio file or collection of audio files as the result of each session that is booked and executed.

Upon subscribing to a Musiversal Unlimited subscription plan you agree to enroll in an automatically renewable and recurring payment plan, which amount depends on the pricing tier (plan) you chose to subscribe, and its renewal cycle type (monthly, yearly or other).

In the case of a PayPal based monthly subscription, the recurring payment will take place every 30 calendar days.

5.2 Management of your sessions

5.2.1 Booking window

Sessions are available to book up to 60 days in advance. Musiversal may change the booking window at any time without notice.

5.2.2 Active sessions

An active session is defined as a booked session which is set to happen in the future.

Booking speed and hold may vary subject to supply availability and customer demand.

5.2.3 Information about your track and upload of materials

Depending on its nature, each session will have specific requirements presented to you during the booking process. Namely, how much time in advance you should upload your materials, as well as other technical and/or musical information.

Failing to adhere to the session requirements may result in session time being spent with downloads, building DAW projects, printing scores, and other tasks that not recording or producing music.

In case of a non-attended session (client not showing up), the musician will carry out the recording in the client’s absence. If the musician is unable to conduct the session during your absence, due to insufficient materials or instructions, then you will not be entitled to receive files for the session.

5.2.4 Files handling

Depending on which option you select in the booking process, you’ll receive either the DAW session, or stems of every recorded take (in WAV or AIFF format, whichever you prefer).

In normal circumstances, you'll receive all of your files no later than 24 hours after your session.

Unexpected technical errors and human errors may prevent this from happening. Musiversal is committed to solving any files-handling technical errors.

If your subscription stops (meaning that it gets cancelled), you will lose access to your files in the platform.

Musiversal does not guarantee access to recorded files older than 1 month, and of cancelled subscriptions.

5.2.5 Re-scheduling of remote session

In the event that Musiversal reschedules your session, you’ll be informed via email as soon as it is rescheduled, with further information about the rescheduling, namely to which date and hour (if applicable) is the session rescheduled to.

5.2.6 Cancellation of remote session

You can cancel any of your upcoming sessions.

Musiversal reserves the right of cancelling a session without previous notice, if one of the following events occur:

  1. Your submitted materials lie outside the scope of what recording sessions are stated to be within the definitions of our terms of Use, namely regarding unfair/ misusage and prohibited practices, as outlined in clauses 1.13 and 5.2.7;
  2. Your pre-session materials are unworkable and therefore require significant improvement, for example by a producer;
  3. Other logistical reasons.

5.2.7 Prohibited practices

Please refer to this article to learn how Musiversal sessions work, and this article for what can be achieved in a single session.

These are practices which are not allowed in the Musiversal Unlimited sessions:

  1. Record lyrics containing any segregation, discrimination, exclusion or oppressive content, such as but not limited to stereotyping, racist, sexist, xenophobic or hostile words;
  2. Record classical or contemporary music from historically or highly acclaimed composers;
  3. Record sounds (notes, effects or passages) for which the purpose is to produce loops, virtual instruments and/ or sample libraries. Please note that while the aforementioned is strictly forbidden, recording full songs for production music libraries is allowed;
  4. Having Musiversal’s service providers co-composing, co-authoring or co-writing material that is subject to copyright, namely lyrics and main melodic themes. This does not include an improvised melody over a harmonic progression, such as a saxophone solo, for example;
  5. Record multiple instruments or multiple parts (or overdubs) in a single session. Common sense and flexibility are to be considered on a case-by-case scenario and some of these may be achieved, though it is not the default of how sessions work;
  6. Record more than 1 song/ piece in a single session. Except for cues, which the sum of all of them should not be bigger than 3 minutes in total;
  7. Request the musician to create arrangements (such as string quartet or Horns Trio) during the session. For such service, the user should use our arrangement service. More information here;
  8. Record highly complex pieces that would be hard to sight-read and require the musician to study for hours.

5.3 Interruption of subscription

Musiversal reserves the right to cancel or refuse the renewal of your subscription at any time, upon notice.

5.3.1 Cancellation of subscription

You can cancel your subscription and its upcoming billing at any time.

To do so, you must follow the cancellation instructions in your billing area, here.

When you opt to cancel your subscription:

  1. You will not be charged on your next billing date;
  2. Your subscription will still be valid until the end of your billing period;
  3. Considering the time until the end of your billing period, your upcoming sessions will still be valid, and you can still book new sessions.

When your subscription gets cancelled (at the end of the billing period):

  1. You will no longer be able to book sessions;
  2. Any future-booked sessions will be cancelled;
  3. You will lose access to your files;
  4. You will lose permanent access to your current subscription plan and any legacy pricing benefits;
  5. If you wish to resubscribe in the future, it will be at public rates set at that time, not according to current or past rates;
  6. You may have to rejoin the waiting list if you wish to resubscribe.

5.3.2 Termination and suspension

Musiversal may terminate your subscription or access to your account or all or any of our services immediately if you fail to pay the amount of your subscription on time.

5.3.3 Payment failure(s)

If your payment details expire, you will be notified by email.

If your billing date is reached, but your payment method fails, you will also be notified by email. Upon a failed billing payment, you will have 7 days to update your billing information. After 7 days, if your payment details have not been updated and a successful payment made, your subscription will be cancelled.

5.4 Refund policy

5.4.1 General conditions

Musiversal may not provide refunds for periods within which users are inactive. For example, if you did not book or finish a session in the past 2 months, this does not entitle you to a refund.

A refund on your most recent payment may result in the cancellation of your subscription. See clause 5.3.1 Cancellation of subscription, for complete information about what happens when your subscription gets cancelled.

5.4.2 30-day money-back guarantee

To activate the 30-day money-back guarantee on your Unlimited subscription, and be refunded on your payment, you must fulfil all the following conditions:

  1. You have not completed more than one session. A completed session means a session which was booked and held for you, until its time passes by, whether you attended it through live stream or not, and whether the session materials resulting from that session were delivered to you or not;
  2. You have not been refunded on your Unlimited account before;
  3. You have requested your refund no later than 30 days after your first payment.

5.4.3 Refund of monthly plans

You are eligible for a full refund so long as you request the refund within 48 hours after your billing date and no sessions have been completed in the period between the billing date and the refund request.

5.5 Extra services

Applicable to services available at cost (unique purchases), not included in Musiversal Unlimited subscription.

Including, but not limited to add-on services, pre-production, production and post-production services, videos and webinars, delivered by Musiversal service providers.

5.5.1 Payment

Musiversal will provide you with a payment option, through which your payment will constitute the “booking”.

Upon booking an extra service, you agree with these terms, and with the service specifications presented over email or call, which may not be subject to change after a booking has been placed.

5.5.2 Service specifications

Different, new or revised service specifications that are not included in the booked agreement may incur in additional costs.

5.5.3 Rescheduling

Musiversal may be forced to reschedule services. In this event, you’ll be informed via email as soon as it is rescheduled, with further information about the rescheduling, namely to which date and hour (if applicable) is the service rescheduled to.

5.5.4 Deliveries

Musiversal reserves the right to inform you of the estimated delivery date of the services, and may modify this if unanticipated circumstances delay delivery.

5.5.5 Pre-production Arrangements

  1. Prerequisite materials: The following materials are mandatory to start the arrangement: midi file and audio file from the midi file of the song/musical piece, and an audio reference;
  2. Deliverables: Musiversal firstly delivers a midi mock-up for approval. Upon approval, the deliverables are the final scores and midi exported as audio stems, per instrument. The delivery expected time is subject to the availability of the service providers, and it is calculated on a case by case basis. Unless requested otherwise by the user, Musiversal informs of such delivery expected time after the purchase occurs;
  3. Revisions: There are two revisions included in the Arrangement service. Extra revisions are available at cost;
  4. Refund policy: Refunds are not available on the Arrangement service;
  5. Validity: 6 months validity starting from the date of purchase. If you are not able to submit your prerequisite materials within 6 months, your booking or part of it will be changed from a product-specific booking into a non-refundable money voucher with value of the original booking that is eligible to use for any available Musiversal product, not stackable with any promotional discounts available. If you don't apply your voucher to a service within 24 months from the purchase date, you'll lose access to both the unused money funds and any services that could have been utilized with the voucher. Transcriptions

  1. Prerequisite materials: One of the following materials are mandatory to start the transcription: midi file or separate audio file for each instrument;
  2. Deliverables: Musiversal delivers final scores and an audio rough playback file from the notation software, for pitch reference. The delivery expected time is subject to the availability of the service providers, and it is calculated on a case by case basis. Unless requested otherwise by the user, Musiversal informs of such delivery expected time after the purchase occurs;
  3. Revisions: One revision is included in the Transcription service. Extra revisions are available at cost;
  4. Refund policy: Refunds are not available on the Transcription service;
  5. Validity: 6 months validity starting from the date of purchase. If you are not able to submit your prerequisite materials within 6 months, your booking or part of it will be changed from a product-specific booking into a non-refundable money voucher with value of the original booking that is eligible to use for any available Musiversal product, not stackable with any promotional discounts available. If you don't apply your voucher to a service within 24 months from the purchase date, you'll lose access to both the unused money funds and any services that could have been utilized with the voucher.

5.5.6 Post-production

Musiversal may opt to convert your payment to the correspondent number of credits (see clause 4.2 Credits) inside the Musiversal Studio product, in order to facilitate your sessions’ bookings, materials uploading, downloading of the deliverables and communication with the service providers. Mixing and Mixing revision

  1. Scope: For projects with more than 50 channels and/or 5 minutes, a Mixing custom quote is required.
  2. Deliverables:
    A stereo uncompressed bounce of the mix, an a cappella version (vocals only), an instrumental version (instruments only), and (optional) separate STEMS per groups of instruments. Extra deliverables are available at cost;
  3. Revisions: Mixing and Mixing revision services do not include revisions. Revisions are available at cost;
  4. Cancellations and refund policy: After purchasing a Mixing or Mixing revision, you can cancel with a full refund up to 5 days before the online session time or the offline first delivery deadline. If you cancel with less than 5-day notice, or if you book with less than 5 days advance of the required delivery date, you are not eligible for a refund. Failing to submit your materials 48 hours before the session date and time may result in the cancellation of your session without the possibility of a refund. Refunds are not granted after Musiversal completes the delivery of the service;
  5. Validity: 6 months validity starting from the date of purchase. If you are not able to schedule your sessions within 6 months, your booking or part of it will be changed from a product-specific booking into a non-refundable money voucher with value of the original booking that is eligible to use for any available Musiversal product, not stackable with any promotional discounts available. If you don't apply your voucher to a service within 24 months from the purchase date, you'll lose access to both the unused money funds and any services that could have been utilized with the voucher. Post-production Bundle

  1. Scope: Editing (see b.), mixing and mastering. For projects with more than 50 channels and/or 5 minutes, a Mixing custom quote is required;
  2. Editing: Editing is included in the bundle when recordings have been produced by Musiversal Orchestras;
  3. Deliverables:
    Mixing deliverables: A stereo uncompressed bounce of the mix, an a cappella version (vocals only), an instrumental version (instruments only), and (optional) separate STEMS per groups of instruments.
    Mastering deliverables: Orchestra Stereo Master, in the following formats: WAV - 44.1khz/16 bit, WAV - 44.1khz/24 bit, WAV - 48khz/16 bit, WAV - 48khz/24 bit, and Mp3 - 320kbps;
    Extra deliverables are available at cost;
  4. Revisions: One mixing revision included. Extra revisions are available at cost;
  5. Cancellations and refund policy: After purchasing a Post Production Bundle, you can cancel with a full refund up to 5 days before the online mixing session time or the offline first delivery deadline. If you cancel with less than 5-day notice, or if you book with less than 5 days advance of the required delivery date, you are not eligible for a refund. Failing to submit your materials 48 hours before the sessions dates and times may result in the cancellation of your sessions without the possibility of a refund. Refunds are not granted after Musiversal completes the delivery of the service;
  6. Validity: 6 months validity starting from the date of purchase. If you are not able to schedule your sessions within 6 months, your booking or part of it will be changed from a product-specific booking into a non-refundable money voucher with value of the original booking that is eligible to use for any available Musiversal product, not stackable with any promotional discounts available. If you don't apply your voucher to a service within 24 months from the purchase date, you'll lose access to both the unused money funds and any services that could have been utilized with the voucher.